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IV. Sort these foods into the categories

A–Appetizer (served before the main dish)

E–Entrée (main dish of the meal)

D– Dessert (a sweet course at the end of a meal)


· Shrimp Cocktail

· Caesar Salad

· Fresh Tuna Steak

· Grilled Chicken

· Nachos with spicy dips

· Green Salad

· Spaghetti Bolognese

· Tropical Fruit Salad

· Mushroom Soup

· Apple Pie

· Vanilla Ice cream

V. During a meal out with a client or colleague, when would you expect to hear the following? Match each expression with its meaning.

1. What can I get you? a. From your description, I’m going to like this dish.

2. That sounds nice. b. Can you tell me where the toilet is?

3. How’s yours? c. No thank you. I don’t want any more.

4. Just a drop, thanks. d. I’ll have just a little more wine, thank you.

5. It’s an acquired taste. e. Please start.

6. Nothing to start with, thanks. f. You must let me pay!

7. No, I’m all right, thanks. g. What would you like to drink?

8. Don’t wait for me. h. It’s unusual and you may not like it at first.

9. Where is the loo here? i. I’ll pay.

10. This one’s on me. j. What’s your meal like?

11. No, no, I insist. k. I don’t want a first course, thank you.


I. Listen to two conversations. For each one, decide what sort of restaurant the people are in and what the people choose to eat.

  type of restaurant choice of meal
Carlos Bill    
Eva Amy    

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 387 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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