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Cycling safely

You’ll need the right clothing and safety equipment if you are going to cycle regularly on busy roads. You should know the Highway Code and how to ride with confidence. Get advice on the gear you’ll need and how to handle busy roads. Make sure you wear clothing appropriate for cycling in your bike’s chain or wheels, or covering your lights. Fit a bell to your bike so you can signal to other road users. You should wear: light-coloured or fluorescent clothing that helps other road users to see you in daylight and poor light and reflective clothing or accessories, like a belt or arm/ankle bands, in the dark. Your rucksack can affect your balance on a bike if it’s too big or heavy. You could use panniers instead. Helmets can help to prevent a head injury if you fall from your bike. Your helmet should be securely fastened by straps, which are twisted, with only enough room for two fingers between your chin and the strap. Don’t buy a second-hand helmet – it may be damaged and not protect you properly. If you use your bike at night or when visibility is poor, you must fit a white front light, red rear light, red rear reflector, yellow pedal reflectors – front and back on each pedal. When you’re cycling on busy roads you need to show drivers what you plan to do. Motorists usually travel faster than cyclists and may have less time react to hazards. Try to anticipate what a driver will do and ride positively and decisively, look and signal before you start, stop or turn, ride well clear of the kerb – 1 metre away or in the centre of the right lane, make eye contact with drivers to let them know you have seen them, acknowledge any courtesy from drivers, ride a car-door width away from parked cars. To learn how to handle busy roads and ride more confidently, get some cycle training. If you are involved in a collision on your bike where someone is injured, tell the police. Make sure anyone who is hurt gets medical attention.

IX. Find the corresponding to the following in the text:

убеждаться принимать вежливость со стороны водителей
более уверенно парная сумка багажника велосипеда
реагировать на препятствие/опасность желтые отражатели на педалях
управлять велосипедом подальше от бордюра держать контакт глаз
надежно закреплять ремешками плохая видимость
уроки управления велосипедом светоотражательная одежда
быть вовлеченным в происшествие попытаться предвидеть
предотвратить травму головы водители мопедов
рюкзак может повлиять при дневном свете
оборудование для обеспечения безопасности справляться с большим движением на дорогах
на расстоянии ширины двери правила дорожного движения
одежда подходящая для езды на велосипеде посоветоваться о...
плохо защищать шлем (каска)  

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