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Speaking. IV. Work with your neighbour group mate

(dialogue work)

IV. Work with your neighbour group mate. Dramatize the dialogues.

1. You’re going to invite your friend to your Granny’s, who lives in the outskirts of your city. But your friend doesn’t want to accept your invitation. Find out the reasons. Discussing all the advantages of going to the suburb, convince your friend to pay your Granny a visit.

2. You have just found out that you must spend a week in the far away country house with your family. Discuss with your younger sister/brother what you will take with you to spend time there the most profitable way. Try to make it clear what you’re going to do there to enjoy nature and the lake.

3. You’re lucky to go to London this year to take English courses! Take advice from your friend how you should get around London. Touch upon all possible ways to travel the city, but don’t forget to discuss a true situation with transport, traffic and prices in this city.

4. Your family members are trying to make a decision which vehicle you should be bought to make your getting to the University more convenient for you. Discuss all possible ways and choose the only one fit from all the sides.

5. You have to be a commuter. Share your impressions with your host family about your daily going by train and say what pros and cons you can find in it.

6. Your friend and you are arguing about preferences of life in big cities and in small towns. Try to make your friend change his/her mind. Gather all the arguments you know.

7. You have been bought a great bicycle. You are eager to show off, but your friend warns you, that bicycling in this country is not safe. Ask him/her for the reasons and work out the correct tactics of using a bike in Ukraine.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-23; Прочитано: 278 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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