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Unit II

Part 1

1. to determine the basic objectives

2. an advertising campaign

3. to establish an advertising budget

4. to decide on the message

5. mass media

6. receiver

7. to be interconnected

8. target audience

9. to meet the requirements

10. The British Code of Advertising Practice

11. legal

12. decent

13. honest

14. truthful

15. to prepared with a sense of responsibility

16. to conform to the principles of fair competition

16. to bring advertising into disrepute

17. to reduce confidence in smth

18. eye-catching

19. to be understandable

20. copywriter

21. creativity

22. imagination

23. goods of mass demand

24. products of industrial purpose

25. market characteristics

26. competitor

27. to be singled out

28. to be easy to understand and recognize

29. to have an exact target orientation

30. to reflect interests and desires

31. to emphasize unique features and properties

32. to predetermine success

33. to gain the attention of the audience

34. key factors

Part 2

1.to design the message

2. the content of the message

3. to be delivered

4. approach to an advertising campaign

5. extensive/ intensive

6. product’s features

7. to effect smth

8. to influence smth

9. outdoor displays

10. short broadcast spot announcements

11. concise and simple messages

12. rational positioning

13. emotional positioning

14. to appeal to emotional mind

15. to produce an emotional association and response

Part 3

1. the basic components of an advertisement

2. headline

3. illustration

4. body copy

5. signature

6. subheadline

7. crucial

8. to attract readers’ attention to smth

9. to create interest

10. introductory statement

11. explanatory paragraph

12. closing paragraph

13. to identify a specific desire or problem

14. to satisfy the desire

15. to substantiate claims and advantages

16. sponsor

17. firm’s trademark

18. legible

19. distinctive

20. conversational

21. to consist of short familiar terms

22. to overpower

23. to outperform

24. artwork

25. format elements

26. to be positioned

27. to improve the perception ability of an ad

28. effectiveness

29. to encourage

30. to be well composed

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