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Multiple Choice

Choose the correct answer

1. If advertisers want the message of an ad to be more effective they must:

a. change the means of delivering the message

b. aim it at the target audience

c. work out some details of the message

2. The decrease in the sales of 7-Up’s soft drinks made the company:

a. introduce another soft drink into the market

b. ask competitors for help

c. change the company’s strategy

3. The new advertising policy of 7-Up:

a. was effective and increased the sales of the new soft drink

b. didn’t lead to any results

c. bankrupted the company


Sum up the measures taken by 7-Up aimed at increasing the number of sales


1.Were the measures taken by 7-Up effective? What else could they do to overcome the deadlock?

2. Find some other examples of the cases when effective media planning increased the profits of the company. What measures were taken? Tell your groupmates about the cases according to the plan:

a. the problem

b. the measures taken to overcome the deadlock

c. the results

Test yourself

Read the following text, translate the Russian expressions into English, consult the dictionary if necessary. Fill in the gaps with the words given before the text

In the first place but more than that in general finally therefore because it is a well-known fact and next

Дата публикования: 2014-10-20; Прочитано: 311 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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