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Reading Tasks

1. Understanding main points:

1) What colour should printed presentation materials be in?

2) What do Chinese businesspeople rely on in forming opinions and solving problems?

3) Where does responsibility for all decisions rest in this country?

4) What does “saving face” mean?

5) What do business cards look like?

6) How should you behave when receiving a business card?

7) What is the procedure of Chinese business protocol?

8) What kind of people are the Chinese?

Understanding details.

Mark True (T) and False (F) statements according to the text.

1) Being late for an appointment is considered unimportant in Chinese business culture.

2) During meetings foreign partners may need an interpreter to better understand the peculiarities of the Chinese language, customs and ways.

3) Chinese people are impartial and never rely only on their own judgement.

4) Responsibility for all decisions in China rests with the Communist party and assorted government, so no individuals are accountable for their own actions.

5) The Chinese do not attach much importance to exchanging business cards.


The Chinese business ethics is rather peculiar, with accounts for a specific historical, political and cultural development of this country, as well as its geographical position, size and pollution.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 685 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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