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Vocabulary Tasks. Read the words and find the odd-one-out

Read the words and find the odd-one-out.

insult – affront – praise – offence

beneficial – helpful – useful – useless – positive – valuable

proposal – suggestion – tender – supposition – offer

contradict – correspond – cancel out – disagree

accountable – responsible – answerable – light-minded

breach – violence – infraction – contravention – violation – transgression

advantage – excellence – merit – integrity – similarity – talent

vulgar – bad-mannered – polite - tasteless

Complete each sentence with a phrase from the text.

1) The best times for scheduling appointments are….

2) Business and government hours are….

3) Friday afternoon is sometimes reserved for….

4) Store hours are….

5) Most Chinese workers take a break between….

6) Chinese holidays are ….

7) In Chinese business culture the collectivist way ….

8) Interruptions of any kind from subordinates….

Match the information in column A with the corresponding information in column B.

1. In Chinese business culture gold is a. to enter a meeting room in hierarchical order.
2. Not reading is b. on hierarchy in Chinese business culture.
3. In accordance with Chinese business protocol people Sire expected c. the colour of prestige, prosperity.
4. There is a strong emphasis d. a breach of protocol.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 610 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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