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We have already learned two ways of writing fractional parts: common fractions and decimal fractions. Another method is by using per cents.

Per cent tells the number of parts in every hundred. This number is followed by the per cent sign (%). The word "per cent" and sign % actually refer to the denominator of a fraction expressed as hundredths.

When working with per cent, we do not write the word, but use the sign %, 20 per cent is written 20% and so on.

In working with problems involving percentage1 we must be able to change per cents to decimals and decimals to per cents.

We can change a per cent to a decimal by dropping the per cent sign and moving the decimal point two places to the left. We can change a per cent to a common fraction with the given number as the numerator and 100 as a denominator.

One hundred per cent of quantity is the entire quantity. To find a per cent of a number, change the per cent to the equivalent decimal fraction or common fraction and multiply the number by the fraction. To find the per cent of one number from a second number, form a fraction in which the first number is the numerator and the second number is the denominator. Divide the numerator into the denominator and change the decimal fraction to a per cent. To find a number when a per cent of it is known, change the per cent to an equivalent decimal fraction or common fraction, divide given number by this fraction.


1 problems involving percentage — задачи на нахождение процента

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 525 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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