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One of the major disadvantages of a reactor is the of the

nuclear waste which_ the environment. "There are 434 in

the world and 110 of them are in ___." Not a single one is

Functioning without__. Attempts to store nuclear wastes have

Not been very_____ 1. One such attempt is to bury the nuclear waste

___, but the ____ of nuclear waste has poisoned the

Groundwater. Another attempt is to put the nuclear waste into

________. Later, this was _____ by the public and also, in

Violation of an international treaty because of the. Another

problem to the environment is the leakage of radioactive waste from space. This problem is not pollution to the earth's environment, but. There is no way to dispose of the nuclear waste in space.

Exercise 14. Divide the text Nuclear energy into three paragraphs. Name them.

Exercise 15. Speak on topic Nuclear energy.

Список використаної літератури

1. Акмалдінова О.М., Ткаченко С.І., Бугайов О.Є. Англійська мова. Our University: Методична розробка. - К: НАУ, 2003. - 44 с

2. Англійська мова: Навчально-методичний посібник / Уклад Л.Й. Іщенко, Т.В. Тарнавська, 0.0. Коваленко, Н.В. Глушаниця. К НАУ, 2006. - 108 с.

3. Англійська мова. BIOSPHERE. MAN AND ENVIRONMENT: Навчально-методичний посібник. /Уклад.: В.І. Снопченко - К: НАУ, 2005. - 88 с.

3. Коваленко О.О., Конопляник JI.M. Англійська мова: Методична розробка. - К: НАУ, 2003. - 76 с.




THE EARTH'S POPULATION.................................. 3

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