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Exercise 11. Look at the picture and describe the ways the radiation enters the human body

Exercise 12. Define the tense of the predicate and make the following sentences in the text interrogative and negative. Translate the text.

Whether the atom is used for peace or for war, man must contend with the hazards of nuclear radiation. This radiation may cause burns, diseases, and death. It may harm future generations by causing mutations.

In peacetime, the escape of radioactive particles from nuclear plants is the main radiation hazard. More nuclear power plants will be built if a significant amount of the world's power is to come from uranium. As a result of these plants, huge amounts of radioactive material will be

Produced. The power plants must take necessary precautions to insure the communities are safe from the radiation that may escape.

In wartime, the most serious danger from radiation is near or below the place where the atomic bomb has exploded. If people are not killed by the bomb, then they have to deal with the radioactive fallout. Even at a distance from the blast, the injury can be serious.

Exercise 13. Complete the sentences using the words:

Disposal, the United States, rejected, nuclear reactors, underground, deep ocean water, successful, harms, polluting the environment, possibility of harming the ocean, leakage, pollution of space.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 485 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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