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Exercise 3. Write out terminological words and word combinations and translate them into Ukrainian

Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

1. Why do we use tyres? 2. What are the methods of recycling tyres? 3. What are tyres made from? 4. Why is vulcanised rubber dangerous? 5. What must be strictly regulated by the government? 6. What are some landfdl companies now operating? 7. How can cut and granulated tyres be used? 8. How can consumers help in die tyres recy cling process?

Exercise 5. Put questions to the underlined words.

Tyres are made from vulcanised rubber. 2. When incinerated, tyres produce a lot of pollutants which are dangerous when released into the atmosphere. 3. One option for dealing with used tyres is a process called retreading. 4. These procedures must be strictly regulated by the Government. 5. Tyres can also be de-vulcanised and re-converted into rubber. 6. Often, landfill companies use tyres as they are in the landfill to create a drainage system. 7. We can all keep tyres being thrown into landfill sites. 8. Truck tyres can be retreaded up to 3 dmes.

Exercise 6. Find all verbs in the text and put them into correct columns.
Present Simple Past Simple Present Perfect
Infinitive (with or without to) Passive Voice Modal verbs

Exercise 7. Put verbs in brackets into the correct form.

Earth Ships

This (to be) an innovative building technique pioneered in the US and Mexico, and now being used worldwide, with several examples in Scotland and around the rest of the UK. Used tyres (to collect) on the building site, (to arrange) according to the architects plan, and (to fill) with earth or sand. They (to build up) then to create walls, which (to plaster) then, and (to reinforce) to help support the roof.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 426 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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