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B) the conditions in which you live and work, that affect your life. RESULT

a) something that happens or exists because of something else:

* as a result (of) (= because of something): She feels much better as a result of the treatment;

* with the result (that): We arrived a few minutes late, with the result that we missed our train;

* be the result of: His death was the result of years of drug abuse;

B) the final number of points, votes etc at the end of a game, competition, election etc;

C) the information found in a scientific study or test;

D) especially BrE a number or letter which shows how successful someone has been in a test or examination; SCORE AmE;

* if you get a result, you succeed in doing something. EXHAUST (verb)

a) to use all of something: Eventually, the world's oil supply will be exhausted.

b) to make someone very tired: The trip totally exhausted us. EXHAUST (noun)

A) also exhaust pipe a pipe on a car that waste gas comes out of;

b) the waste gas that is produced when an engine is working: Car exhaust is the main reason for pollution in the city.


a) something that doctors, nurses etc do to try to cure an illness or injury, for example giving someone drugs or an operation: A new treatment for cancer;

b) a way of behaving towards someone or of dealing with them: Complaints about the treatment of political prisoners.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 432 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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