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Exercise 19. Questions for discussion

1. What developments do we call technological advances? 2. Are environmental pollution problems a result of the rapid advances in technology? 3. How does the automobile engine harm the environment? 4. What do high compression engines require to prevent "knocking" noises? 5. What do the treatment plants use to break down the organic wastes? 6. Are plastics a troublesome solid waste? Why? 7. What is a major source of air pollution?

Exercise 20. Speak on: "Causes of Pollution"

UNIT 2 Ukraine: Pollution Problems

Exercise 1. Look through and remember the following words. Contamination забруднення

Coke-chemical коксохімічний завод

Sulphur dioxide сірний газ

Hydrocarbon вуглекислий газ

Accumulation накопичення

Carbon dioxide двоокис ву глецю

Exercise 2. Read and translate the text.

Ukraine: Pollution Problems Pollution is contamination of environment, including air, water and land with enormous amount of material or energy. Pollution becomes evident in Ukraine with industrial development in the 19th century.

Air pollution is severe especially in many of the heavily industrialized cities and towns of southern Ukraine. Coal using industries, such as metallurgical, coke-chemical plants, steel mills and thermal power plants are major sources of high level uncontrolled emission of sulphur dioxide, dust, unburnt hydrocarbons and other harmful substances.

Over the third of the emission into atmosphere originate from automobile transport. The combustion of organic fuel inevitably to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and a decrease in oxygen. As a result we can expect increases in temperatures.

Almost all surface waters of Ukraine belong to the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov basins. The Dnieper and the Danube are included among the most populated bodies of water in the former USSR territory. Hundreds of small rivers supply water for three quarters of the villages and half of

Ukraine cities. The uncontrolled use of water destruction of water- protecting forest belts have led to destruction of a lot of small rivers. About one half of the chemical fertilizers, herbicides and pesticides applied in the fields are washed off into rivers.

One of the areas suffering from serious and chronic coastal water pollution is the Sea of Azov. That shallow (previously biologically rich and commercially productive body of w ater) has experienced serious problems in industrial and municipal waste-water contamination. A primary cause of the sea's ecological deterioration was dirty water inflow from the Don and the Kuban rivers. As a result the sea's salinity has increased by more than 40 percent since 1950's. The influx of water into the Sea of Azov has dropped (by 13 cubic km per year). Combined with pollution it has resulted in a dramatic drop in fish catches.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 434 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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