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Exercise 19. Put verbs in brackets into the Passive Voice

1. Now in the world a lot different kinds of works, including cleaning jets, (to use) to reduce water consumption. 2. Noise pollution (to pose) by airports. 3. All my dreams (to become) true because of new car. 4. Jet engines (to improve) over the last years. 5. Aircraft pollution (to classify) in three main groups namely: water pollution of the airport activities, air pollution of the aircraft emissions and noise pollution. 6 Unapproved take off may (to fine up) to $5000. 7. Pollution can (to minimize) but not eliminated.

Exercise 20. Put the words from the box next to their definition.
To pollute, water consumption, cleaning jets, clean water laws, noise pollution, to soar, emissions, to charge, to set and aircraft pollution.
Word Definition
  is contamination made by airplanes;
  is large amount loud sound that makes health threat;
  means to make something dirty;
  are aircraft pollutants emitted in the air;
  means to fly or go up into the air;
  are clean water keeping rules;
  means taking pollutants away from jets;
  means water using;
  means to put power into something
  means to give work to someone to do.

Exercise 21. Pick out a line in H with a line in I. H

But this wonderful invention has got

Water pollution of the airport activities

Air is gas which you take in through nose and mouse

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 707 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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