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Exercise 3. Write out all verb forms (there are 17 except verb to be), define their tense and give the infinitive

Examples: forms - Present Simple, Active Voice, to form

Exercise 4. Write opposite to next words.

To fonn, long, to take, growth, necessary, toxic, radioactive, seriously, erosion, to destroy, useful, to pollute, to fumigate, to kill, to depend on, ancient, same, to collapse, largely, problem, salinity, heavy.

Exercise 5. Fill the correct prepositions.

Doris works BBC. 2. All students enjoyed the film

except__ me. 3. Can you see that sign distance? 4. I want to

work__ an ecologist after I finish the University.5. We are going Ankara. 6. She studied Kyiv last year. 7. He didn't do

Home work____ illness. 8. For instance, strawberry farmers

California fumigate the soil with methyl bromide to destroy organisms. 9

Soil is a mixture mineral, plant, and animal materials. 10. This results

_ heavy fertilizer increase polluted runoff lakes and streams.

Exercise 6. Give the prepositional phrasal verbs (with explanations). Use your Oxford Elementary Learner's Dictionary.

Examples: Go on - continue; not to stop; draw up — come to a place and stop.

To depend on; to run off; to run out of; to run up; to come out; to come on; to come from; to consist of; to bomb with; to find someone out; to find something out; to divide into; to long to; to long from.

Exercise 7. Write out all possible objects to the given verb from the


Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 499 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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