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Exercise 3. Match the prefixes on the left with the meaning on the right. Then form new words by choosing a suitable word from the box to combine with each prefix

multi- half
semi- in favour of
anti- former (not now)
pro- not enough
ex- many
post- against
over- after
under- too much

President, cooked, graduate, circle, war, racial, worked, democracy

Exercise 4. How much of the chart below can you complete?

Verb Noun Ad.jectiv
to irritate    
to limit    
to develop    
to occur    
to compose    
to endanger    
to feel    
to experience    
to control    

Exercise 5. Give the opposite of:

Safe, harmful, low, severe, dirty, dead, heat, urban, worse, develop, growth, increase, outdoor, efficient, tight, fast, sensitive, certain, fortunately, heavy, limited, seek, past, death, bad, rare, long-term.

Exercise 6. Choose the article (a, the) or no article (-) that best completes the sentence. Translate the sentences.

I must let fresh air in here. 2. In summer children should

Spend lot of time in open air. 3.______ traveling by air is fastest way

to travel. 4. One can't live on air. 5. Springs is in air. 6. She works for

BBC and is on air twice week. 7. Council is assisted by Air

Navigation Services and Finance Committee. 8. I don't like him, he puts

on_ airs. 9. He entered the room with air importance. 10. I don't

believe you. That's all hot air. 11. Nobody can find him. He vanished

into_ thin air. 12. Oh, Billy, I'm so happy. I'm walking upon air.

Exercise 7. From the text, write out as many word combinations regarding air pollution as you can.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 550 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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