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Exercise 2. Choose the suitable word

1. Energy heat hour/our homes. 2. The storage and processing of radioactive waste/waist is a technical problem. 3. The world we know/no today would be impossible without modern means of transportation. 4. An

efficient transportation system is essential four/for economic development. 5. Although the benefits of modern transportation are undeniable, they come at a hi/high price. 6. Every manufacturing industry impacts the environment to some extent by using up energy and roar/raw materials. 7. Nuclear power stations are too/two risky. 8. In summer children should spend a lot of time in the open air/heir. 9. People have become more worried about global environmental issues like acid rain/rein and climate change.

Exercise 3. How much of the chart below can you complete? Suffixes are used, but not always!

Verb Noun Adjective
to lead    
to transport    
to choose    
to preserve    
to protect    
to limit    
to explore    
to store    
to solve    

Exercise 4. Give the opposite of:

Powerful, negative, to burn, hard, risky, to like, impossible, modern, efficient, essential, personal, leisure, high, noise, good, final, raw, clean, important, urban, fast, remember, harmless.

Exercise 5. Fill in the chart. Write the Past Simple and the Past Participle forms of the irregular verbs next to the infinitive.

Regular verbs Irregular verbs
Work choose — chose — chosen

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 421 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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