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Exercise 13. Read the text. Put the words from the box into the gaps

Radiation, doses, effect, harmful, levels networks, ovens, proliferation, radio-frequency, recent, significance, sources, term, waves

The electro-magnetic_____________ have a negative on human health.

The _____ radiation from __ such as power lines, radar,

Communication__, and microwave__ is nonionizing, and for

Many years only high __ of such radiation were known to be

_____, causing burns, cataracts, temporary sterility, and other effects. In

_____ years, however, with the_ of such devices, the possible

Effects of long___ exposure to low__ of nonionizing___

Began to be a matter of scientific concern. Subtle biological effects have been observed, but their health___________ is thus far not certain.

Exercise 14. Translate the idioms with the word water in their structure and memorise them. Compose your own story using them. Blow smth out of the water - to destroy a business or organization, or show that an idea or plan is not true or will not work.

E.g. I could name a number of Australian wines that could blow the French vineyards out of the water.

Be dead in the water - used in order to say that a business or plan has failed completely or has no chance of succeeding.

e.g. We have to work with big names such as Sony and IBM; if we don't we 're dead in the water.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 714 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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