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Exercise 18. Read the following paragraphs of the text and place them in the logic order. Translate the text. Give the title to it

1. How different the situation is in our modern industrial society, in which more and more people live in cities, far removed from nature, and in which man's technology tends to seem more important than nature's pro­cesses. With great amounts of power at their disposal, men now exploit earth resources on a large scale, often very destructively, and not just for their own use but to sell to others for profit. They can transform these re­sources chemically as well as mechanically, so that they lose all resemblance to their original forms. To the users, therefore, they seem less and less like the gifts of nature and more and more like man's own product.

2. Man's mastery over the earth, however, makes him more and more its slave. It makes him not less dependent on the earth but more so, as he draws from it increasing amounts and varieties of resources to meet the growing per capita needs of a growing population.

3. And now in this age of space exploration it would seem that at last man has thrown off his age-old dependence on the earth. Let it not be forgotten, however, that the vehicles that carry men into space are made of earth materials and powered by earth fuels and that the spacemen survive only because their vehicles and their space suits provide them with a little piece of environment basically like that on earth - except for the weight­lessness.

4. "Mother Earth" we call her, as from her soil, water, rocks, and air come all the materials that support our bodies and build our civilizations. In recent times, however, realization of this dependence has tended to decrease.

5. Thus, in spite of man's growing power and his increasingly great contributions toward his own support, he still needs earth materials and earth conditions. As Goethe said of the artist, so we can say also of mankind as a whole, that he "has a twofold relation to nature; he is at once her master and her slave...".

6. Primitive man's small and simple demands on Mother Earth were made directly. He took from his own immediate locality the materials that would meet his own immediate needs, and he used them largely in their original form.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 529 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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