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A) ecological problem;

B) global;

C) non-renewable resources;

D) cooperation;

E) optimization of the interrelation of society and nature; 1. working or acting together for a common purpose;

The problem of the interrelation of society and nature;

The way and means of restoring equilibrium between society and nature;


Natural resources that cannot be renewed.

Exercise 10. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following expressions and use them in your own sentences:

As a whole, as well as, except for, in spite of.

Exercise 11. Translate the following expressions: air 2. key

Climate global

Healthy generation vital problem

Environment insoluble


Air 4. clear environment

Toxic to ensure economic progress

Water pollutant technological progress

gaseous high people's living standards



Healthy environment

To preserve ecological balance

The sky, land and water clean

Soil 7. long-term plan forest cooperation environment conservation

Groundwater water resources


The protection of labour

Environment animal kingdom

Exercise 12. Define the tense of the predicate and make the following sentences interrogative and negative.

Some of the scientists have regarded the ecological problem as one

Of the insoluble global problems of our time. 2. Human civilization will inevitably perish as a result of industrial and demographic pollution of the environment. 3. Many scientists often reduced the whole environmental problem only to pollution

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 400 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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