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Pure 14. current

Exercise 7. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following pairs of words paying attention to the negative prefixes and suffixes:

Soluble - insoluble; careful - careless; finite - infinite; pure - impure; harmful - harmless; appearance - disappearance; controlled - uncontrolled; balance - unbalance; equilibrium - disequilibrium; suitable - unsuitable.

Exercise 8. Read and translate the text.

Society and Nature What are the major aspects and ways of solving this most complicated problem at the beginning of the 21st century - the restoration of the unity between man and nature, the problem of turning the material production from a purely technical and social element into a biosocial one.

into a means of the purposeful transformation of the biosphere?

A scientific understanding of the essence of the relation between society and nature, correct from the point of view of the world outlook and methodology, can serve as a general theoretical foundation for solving the ecological problem.

Some of the scientists regard the ecological problem as one of the insoluble global problems of our time. Some of them even say that human civilization will inevitably perish as a result of industrial, urban, vehicular, and demographic pollution of the environment and the depletion of non­renewable natural resources.

On the other hand, many scientists often reduce the whole environmental problem only to pollution. The solution of the environmental problem is interpreted rather as the protection of nature primarily against pollution caused by economic and demographic growth than as the optimization of the interaction between nature and society ensuring mankind's social and economic progress.

Some countries regard environmental protection as an organic condition for and an important component of solving key socio-economic problems, steadily improving the people's living standards and upgrading the mode of life. The rational utilization of resources and the conservation of nature are a matter of general state policy in these countries.

All the problems concerning the interaction of man and nature are now of international importance. The pollution of the Ocean by one particular country affects fishing in other countries, often very far away. Pollutants coming from industrial centres in Germany, Belgium and France filter down in Scandinavia or Eastern Europe and affect forests and fish in ponds and lakes there.

The problem of "Man and the Biosphere" or solution of pressing global problems can and must be solved by the efforts of all countries by- means of cooperation, long-term coordinated development plans for all countries.

Exercise 9. Match the definitions:

Дата публикования: 2014-10-30; Прочитано: 386 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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