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Reading and Speaking. Exercise 4.Choose the facts in Text 1 (Parts I-V) to prove that:

Exercise 4. Choose the facts in Text 1 (Parts I-V) to prove that:

1. Illegal drug misuse is widespread in England.

2. The Misuse of Drugs Act divides controlled drugs into three categories, classified according to their perceived degree of harmfulness. 3. Penalties for drug related crimes change according to the defendant’s circumstances and record.

4. An unauthorized manufacture and distribution of narcotics are considered to be offences.

Text 1

Drugs and the Law

Part I

Exercise 5. Study the following words and word-combinations:

(the) Misuse of Drugs Act – закон о злоупотреблении наркотиками;

ecstasy – экстази, психостимулятор;

cannabis – каннабис, конопля, марихуана; продукты, получаемые из растения каннабис сатива (cannabis sativa) – это марихуана и гашиш;

amphetamines – амфетамины;

barbiturates – барбитураты, лекарственные вещества, угнетающие активность центральной нервной системы, обладают снотворным, противосудорожным и наркотическим действием;

sedatives – седативные средства;

ketamine – кетамин, лекарственное вещество, применяется для анестезии; имеет галлюциногенные свойства;

Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB) – гамма-гидроксибутират, метаболит, способствует увеличению гормона роста;

tranquillisers – транквилизаторы;

offences – правонарушения;

morphine – морфин/морфий, лекарственный препарат из группы обезболивающих средств;

to envisage – рассматривать;

intent – намерение.

In England, the Misuse of Drugs Act is the main law that covers illegal drugs. Under the terms of the Misuse of Drugs Act, drugs are classified as ‘A’, ‘B’ or ‘C’; with class ‘A’ being the most dangerous and class ‘C’ being the least dangerous.

Examples of class ‘A’ drugs include: heroin, cocaine, and ecstasy.

Examples of class ‘B’ drugs include: cannabis, most amphetamines, and barbiturates (a type of sedative).

Examples of class ‘C’ drugs include: ketamine, Gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB), and tranquillisers.

The following activities are offences under the Misuse of Drugs Act: possessing a controlled substance (a controlled substance can either be an illegal drug or a prescription drug, such as morphine, for which a person does not have a valid prescription); possessing a controlled substance with intent to supply; supplying or offering to supply a controlled substance; allowing a premises you occupy or manage to be used unlawfully for producing or supplying controlled substances.

The law envisages certain penalties for possession drugs. For example, the possession of class ‘A’ drugs the person will be sentenced up to seven years in prison or an unlimited fine, or both.

Exercise 6. Match left and right.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 466 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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