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Tackling the Drugs That Cause the Greatest Harm

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) use intelligence and bring together the Border and Immigration Agency to provide better integrated border controls. Implementing UK border controls overseas is very effective in reducing drug trafficking. Joint operations between other countries significantly reduced the number of drug swallowers arriving in the UK. The government plans to create similar partnerships with other governments in the supply chain.

For example, it will develop the effectiveness of international co-operation through established multilateral organizations, such as the United Nations and the European Union.

A recent successful example of such co-operation is the establishment of the Maritime Analysis and Operation Centre - Narcotics (MAOC-N), based in Lisbon. This brings together seven countries, including the UK, to gather intelligence and mount joint operations against shipments of cocaine crossing the Atlantic.

Actions to tackle drug supply within the UK involve the collaboration of a range of national and international partners.

The ten-year drug strategy (2008-2018) established in the UK aims to restrict the supply of illegal drugs and reduce the demand for them. It focuses on protecting families and strengthening communities.

The four steps of work within the strategy are:

· protecting communities through tackling drug supply, drug-related crime and anti-social behaviour;

· preventing harm to children, young people and families affected by drug misuse;

· delivering new approaches to drug treatment and social re-integration;

· public information campaigns, communications and community engagement.

This strategy shows that the government is doing everything to reduce problematic drug use among young people.

Exercise 11. Read the text again to find the English equivalents for:

совместные операции; иммиграционная служба; пограничный контроль; сократить нелегальный провоз наркотиков; наркоглотатели; налаживать сотрудничество; канал поставок; многосторонний; ООН; специальный; устроенный для данной цели; региональные межгосударственные сообщества; сотрудничество/участие; стратегические приоритеты; предотвращать; новые подходы; вовлеченность сообщества.

Exercise. 12. Complete the sentences below by filling in the gaps with necessary words:

1. Tackling drug supply involves _________ of a range of national and international partners.

2. The government focuses on protecting families and ____________.

3. Effectiveness of international co-operation depends on the activity of ____________ organizations.

4. _______ operations between different countries significantly reduced the number of drug swallowers.

5. The priority task is to prevent _______ to children, young people and families affected by drug misuse.

Exercise 13. Render Text 3 in English using the following words and word-combinations:

последствия – consequences

респираторный – respiratory

пищеварение – digestion

смертельный – deadly

заболевание – disease


частота – frequency

воздействие – effect/influence

зависимость – dependence

психологический – psychological

разрушительный – destructive/destroying

осознанный – deliberate

поступок – action

Text 3

Почему наркотики это плохо?

Злоупотребление наркотиками влечет за собой множество негативных последствий для здоровья, начиная с таких проблем, как респираторные инфекции или проблемы с пищеварением, и заканчивая потенциально смертельными заболеваниями, например СПИДом.

Естественно, тяжесть последствий зависит от вида наркотика, его количества, способа и частоты употребления. Некоторые наркотики, такие как героин, вызывают привыкание гораздо быстрее, чем другие. Но в любом случае регулярное употребление наркотиков или непрерывное воздействие ими – даже в течение непродолжительного периода – может вызвать психологическую зависимость. Это означает, что, когда человек перестает принимать наркотики, он испытывает непреодолимое желание снова его принять.

Злоупотребление наркотиками также разрушительно действует на мозг и изменяет его реакцию на окружающий мир. Именно поэтому психотропными называют вещества, которые воздействуют на мозг. Невозможно спрогнозировать, как изменится поведение, поступки и мотивы наркомана после употребления наркотиков. Наконец, злоупотребление наркотиками лишает людей способности действовать независимо и осознанно.

Exercise 14. Read Text 4 and rewrite the sentences below translating the Russian parts into English.

Choose from: smuggling; dealers; danger; criminal gangs; drug-related crime; members of society; societies; menace; approach; in conclusion; expensive treatment; drugs; multiple problems; target; drug use; police resources; hold of drugs; successfully; problem; addicts; psychological effects; steps; to be aware of the effects; law; counselors.

Text 4

Drug Abuse: Problems and Solutions

Drug abuse has been spread in many countries. Billions of dollars are spent internationally preventing наркомания, treating addicts, and fighting преступление, связанное с наркотиками. Although drugs threaten many страны (сообщества), their effects can also be combated успешно.

Drug abuse causes многочисленные проблемы for countries and communities. The medical and психологические эффекты (последствия) are very obvious. Наркоманы cannot function as normal члены общества. They neglect or abuse their families, and eventually require дорогое лечение or hospitalization. Huge полицейские ресурсы are needed to fight контрабанда and dealing. Криминальные группировки and mafia underworlds develop with the money from drugs.

However, the угроза (зло) of drugs can be fought. Education is the first battle. Children need to be told at home and in school about наркотики. People need осознавать последствия so that they can make avoid this проблема. A second подход is to increase police manpower and powers to stop наркодилеры and to enforce the закон. However, the main цель should be the user. Families and адвокат (поверенный) need to talk to children and people at risk. Parents need to look after their children and help them. Jobs are needed to give people a role in society.

В заключение, although the problem of drugs may seem impossible to eliminate, there are some important шаги that can be taken to weaken the влияние наркотиков on society. The опасность from drugs is too great to ignore.

Exercise 14. Scan Text 4 and comment on the following:

- Drug abuse has become a serious problem in our society.

- What are the causes of this and what are some solutions?

Exercise 15. Give the summary of the text above.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 513 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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