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Individual Drug Links

The effect upon the individual of any drug may vary, depending on factors such as the expectations (ожидания) of the user, mood, amount used, the setting (обстановка), tolerance (переносимость), and whether it is mixed with other drugs, which can be fatal. Some of the drugs above are synthetic drugs which are produced in unregulated laboratories. As such they are rarely pure and are often altered with a range of toxic (интоксикация) and other dangerous agents.

The following categories are some of the most common drugs on the market today.


Hallucinogens (галлюциногены) can cause subjective changes in perception, thought, emotion and consciousness.


Painkillers (known as narcotic analgesics (анальгетики)) produce feelings of happiness (euphoria) and sleepiness. Morphine and heroin are opiates.


Sedatives are substances that depress the central nervous system (CNS), resulting in calmness, relaxation, reduction of anxiety, sleepiness, and slowed breathing.


Solvents have a similar effect an alcohol does. They make people feel uninhibited, euphoric and dizzy (испытывающий головокружение). They include gas lighter refills, aerosols, etc.


Stimulants are drugs that make people feel more awake, alert and energetic. Cocaine and amphetamines are stimulants.

Many drugs don’t belong to just one type. For example, cannabis can act like a depressant as well as causing feelings of happiness. Ecstasy can act as a stimulant and a hallucinogen.

Exercise 18. Translate the text below into Russian.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 385 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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