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III. Compare the words in their usage

Permissive [pə`misiv] (adj) – tolerant; granting permission – permissive neighbours.

Permissible [pə`misəbl] (adj) – permitted, allowable – permissible dose.

1. This movie is not... for kids! 2. My parents were … and let me make my own mistakes. 3. Would it be … to say that? 4. Old people always say that the youth live in … environment.

Permit [`pə:mit] (n, countable) – an official written statement giving one the right to do something

Permission [pə`mi∫n] (n, uncountable) – formal act of allowing; written or spoken agreement

Permissibility [pə,misə`biləti] (n) – допустимость, позволительность

Permissiveness [pə`misivnəs] (n) – вседозволенность

1. It’s parents’ right to give or not to give... to their offspring. 2. You won’t get into the atomic research station without a.... 3.... never leads to anything good. 4. The Constitution proclaims legal.... 5. With your … I’ll leave now. 6. Do you really hold … for a revolver?

Deadly [`dedli] (adj) – likely to cause death – a deadly poison

Deathly [`deθli] (adj, adv) – like death – a deathly silence

1. Fog is the sailors’ … enemy. 2. Hush! The students are writing the test. Listen to that … silence. 3. What have you done? It’s one of the seven … sins. 4. Andrey Balkonsky died because of … wounds.

IV. There are two phrasal verbs in the text: to cut up and to keep alive. What do they mean? Study the examples and match the words on the left with their definitions on the right.


He cut off a piece of cheese so that I could taste it.

I won't be surprised if my electricity is cut off — I haven't paid the bill for three months.

You should cut that dead tree down before it falls on your house.

Hank thinks he's such a tough [`tÙf] (крутой нравом) guy. Someone ought to cut him down to size.

My father said that we're spending too much and have to cut back.

to cut... down [informal – always separated] to spend less
to cut... off to do or say smth to make people feel less important or less powerful
to cut back to remove completely part of smth with a knife, saw, or pair of scissors
to cut... down when you stop the supply or flow of smth, such as water, electricity, or money
to cut... off you use a saw or an axe to cut a tree and make it fall to the ground

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