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International marriages

Dear Diary,

Tonight Amir asked me to marry him! I knew he would. I love him so much. It is hard to believe that we have known each other for only eight months.

But as much as I love him, I don't know what to do. My par­ents would be angry with me for marrying a man from India. They want me to marry only a Japanese man. My mother has told me that good Japanese marry only Japanese.

And that's not all. There are so many other problems. I mean, where would we live? I think it would be very hard for me to live in India. Would I fit in to Indian society? I don't speak any Indian languages. I would have a difficult time finding a job. And I don't want to be just a housewife! That's for sure.

I don't think Amir would fit in to Japanese society, either. He doesn't speak Japanese. He sounds so funny when he tries to say a single Japanese word! It would be impossible for him to find a job in Japan. Besides, he doesn't even like Japanese food!

Maybe we could stay in the United States. Both of us will finish our studies in May. I wonder if we could get work visas here. That might be diffi­cult. But even if we could stay here, I don't know if I want to live away from Japan. I would miss my family and friends and everything.

And what about our chil­dren? Children of mixed mar­riages might have a difficult time. Would they be Japanese? Indian? What? It is all so confusing.

The more I write to you, dear diary, the more problems I see. I know that marriage is difficult. More and more mar­riages end in divorce. And I think that international mar­riages are even more difficult!

Oh, I am SO confused.

VI. Paraphrase the following:

1. My par­ents would be angry with me for marrying a man from India.

2. I think it would be very hard for me to live in India.

3. I don't think Amir would fit in to Japanese society.

4. Children of mixed mar­riages might have a difficult time.

5. It is all so confusing.

VII. True or false?

1. It would be easy for Amir to find a job in Japan.

2. They had known each other for 5 months.

3. Sachiko`s mother told her that good Japanese marry only Japanese.

4. Sachiko speaks Indian language.

5. They want to live in the USA.

6. Children of mixed mar­riages might have a difficult time.

7. She is happy.

VIII. Give Russian equivalents to the following proverbs and sayings. Make up short stories to illustrate them:

Love in the cottage.

Marriages are made in heaven.

Marriage goes by contrasts.


What should Sachiko do?

Check the responses you agree with.

· They shouldn't make a decision about marriage right now. They should visit each other's country. There is a lot of time to think about what to do.

· She should marry Amir and live in the U.S. That's fair for both Amir and her. Both of them could visit their home countries sometimes.

· She should marry Amir and try living in India. It could be a really good experience for her.

· Sachiko should break up with Amir. There are too many problems to continue the relationship.

· She should marry Amir and live in Japan. More and more foreign people are living in Japan, so Amir will be accepted.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 1842 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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