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Keoni Tabio has made a decision. Read the story and find out: Why does he want to end his life?

Keoni Tabido had planned how he will spend his final hours: He will have a party for his friends, with lots of food, drink and music. Later, he will spend time with his girlfriend. And then, at midnight, he will take a deadly mixture of drugs.

Mr. Tabido is not crazy. He is a 33-year-old businessman. He is very successful, has a lot of money and enjoys life.

But Mr.Tabido has a terrible disease. This disease kills the nerve cells in his brain and spinal cord, slowly paralyzing him. Gradually, it will be difficult for him to swallow and breathe. There is no cure for this deadly disease.

So, after a great deal of thought, Mr. Tabido has decided to kill himself. He has told his family and friends about his plan. He has even bought a wooden coffin in which he will be buried.

“I don’t want to become a vegetable, kept alive on a life-support machine,” Mr. Tabido says. “I can’t imagine anything worse. So I have planned my own death. I will do it while I can think and act clearly. I want to go out doing what I love best - having a good time”.

In Mr. Tabido’s country, it is against the law to help people die. If anyone, even a doctor, helps somebody to die, regardless of how sick or old that person is, they could be put in prison for 20 years.

Mr. Tabido is trying to make sure no one is punished for helping him die. “Two doctors have helped me,” says Mr. Tabido. “But I will never tell anyone their names. These doctors have given me the drugs and showed me how to inject myself. I will have only one chance, so I have to do it right the first time.”

“I know that some people think it is wrong to kill yourself, and for others to help you. But they don’t have a disease like mine. For me, there is no choice.”

I. Listen to (read) the text and say whether the statements are true or false?

1. Mr. Tabido is an unsuccessful businessman.

2. Mr. Tabido disease kills his blood cells and spinal cord.

3. There is no cure for this disease.

4. He didn’t tell his family and friends about his plan.

5. In Mr. Tabido’s country there is a law to help people die.

6. Mr. Tabido himself learnt how to inject drugs.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 998 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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