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Text 5: 8 different ways to advertise products and services

Advertising persuades members of a particular market to take some form of action, such as buying a product or service. There are many ways to spread an advertising message.

Television Advertising

TV commercials are a popular way to mass-market messages to large audiences. Although this medium has the ability to reach a high number of potential buyers, it is also one of the most costly forms of advertising.

Infomercials are another form of television advertising. The infomercial is different than a commercial because it is longer, includes more product information, and has more of a personal tone. Although they are also costly to produce, infomercials are highly effective in creating impulse buys because of their demonstrative and persuasive nature.

Radio Advertising

Radio commercials are an effective way for businesses to target a group of people based on location or similar tastes. For example, a local night club seeking college student clientele would probably consider advertising on a local pop station.

Print Advertising

Magazine and newspaper ads are another way to spread the word about a product or service. Print also offers the ability to target a specific audience based on geography or common interests. Print advertising usually includes larger display ads, as well as classified advertising.

Online Advertising

Advertising online is an increasingly popular method for promoting a business. There are many forms of online advertising. Banner ads are image ads displayed on web pages. Social network marketing has been the fastest-growing form of Internet advertising. This includes using sites like Facebook, Twitter etc to promote a product or service.

Billboard Advertising

Billboard ads are large advertisements displayed on structures in public places. Most commonly, billboards are located along highways to target passing motorists. Another type of billboard advertising is a mobile banner or billboard. This can range from the signs seen at major sporting event arenas to billboard advertisements pasted on the sides of semi trailers.

In-Store Advertising

In-store advertising takes place within a retail store. For example, a company that produces a new cleaning product might include an end cap display when they ship the product to stores. This gives the store an attractive display that draws attention to the new product.

Word of Mouth Advertising

While some may argue that word of mouth is not advertising because it's free, this form of promotion is one of the most credible and priceless assets of any business. Even if business owners can't buy word of mouth advertising, they can encourage their customers to tell their friends and family about the great product or service they purchased.


Endorsement is similar to word of mouth promotion but typically does cost money. Having a product or service endorsed by a celebrity can increase sales and product awareness.

Which Type of Advertising is Best?

The best type of advertising depends on the business or organization and its particular needs. The best advertising campaigns typically involve several forms of media to effectively gain maximum exposure.


infomercial короткий рекламный телевизионный фильм
clientele постоянные покупатели
to spread the word распространять информацию
display ads графическая реклама
classified ads реклама по рубрикам
semitrailer полуприцеп
word of mouth advertising реклама из уст в уста
endorsement спонсорская поддержка
celebrity знаменитость

Comprehension Questions:

1. What are the main ways to spread an advertising message?

2. How can you characterize each advertising media?

3. What type of advertising media is the most popular nowadays?

4. What does the best way of advertising depend on?

Task 8: Complete the table with the following words:

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 889 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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