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Task 1: Complete this extract with the words below

  money name differentiate synergy quality competitors'

'What is branding and why do we need brands?'

'A brand can be a................ (1), a term or a symbol. It is used to ……………….. (2) a product from …………….. (3) products. The brands guarantee a certain ……….. (4)level. Brands should add value to products. It's a ……………….. (5) effect whereby one plus one equals three. But customers must believe they get extra value for ………….. (6).'

Task 2:

A. Read the following information; match the English words below the text with their Russian equivalents:

A brand is a type of product and made by a particular company. We use brand to talk about products that we use every day, such as food and drink or cleaning products: They sell many different kinds of coffee, including some of the less well-known brands.

A make is the name of a particular product or a company, that makes it, used especially about things such as electrical equipment and cars, but not about food and drink: “What make of car do you own? – A Mercedes”.

A model is one particular type of car or machine from the various types that a company produces: We produce a range of different computers, but this is our most popular model.

A label is a name representing the company that is selling a product: These products are manufactured overseas to a standard approved byte store and sold under their own label.

A trademark is any visible sign or device used by a business enterprise to identify its goods and distinguish them from those made or carried by others. Trademarks may be words or groups of words, letters, numerals, devices, names, the shape or other presentation of products or their packages, colour combinations with signs, combinations of colours, and combinations of any of the enumerated signs: What is Nike’s trademark?

A logo is a design or way of writing its name that a company or organization uses as its official sign on its products, advertising, etc: That’s the new logo of our company.

1. make a) ярлык
2. logo b) модель, марка
3. trademark c) логотип
4. label d) бренд, «торговая марка»

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 674 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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