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Task 10: Choose the best word to fit the gap

1. A common, shortened form of the word advertisement is..........

a) ad

b) advert

c) admonish

d) ad and advert

2. A......... is a short phrase that is used in advertising promotions and/or commercials. "Just do it!" is a famous example of this.

a) announcer

b) slogan

c) celebrity

d) spam

3. A......... is a identifying symbol or statement that is used by companies in order to promote their companies and/or products.

a) logo

b) marketeer

c) media

d) delivery

4. A......... is a short song or verse that is used in advertising campaigns and commercials.

a) logo

b) jingle

c) epic

d) passport

5. A......... is a word or short phrase that is used to describe a product or a company's aims, principles and/or character.

a) motto

b) catch

c) board

d) forum

6. Many companies try to use......... tunes or phrases. These are memorable phrases or songs that many people like instantaneously.

a) catchy

b) timely

c) direct

d) spotty

7. Companies want to create......... billboards because they want potential customers to notice the products or services that are displayed and promoted.

a) eye-catching

b) indirect

c) minute

d) bland

8. Some companies use celebrity......... to promote their products or services. This is when a company hires a celebrity to promote its products and/or services in commercials, announcements etc.

a) spam

b) androids

c) marks

d) endorsements

9. Sending......... to email accounts is a common way of advertising since the inception of the Internet. These are unsolicited emails that are sent to a large number of addresses at once.

a) bazaars

b) sponsors

c) spam

d) festivals

10. A......... phrase is a popular phrase or wording used in pop culture. It is widely known because it's used on a repetitive basis.

a) open

b) fair

c) market

d) catch

11. The company will be …………………. a new range of health foods over the next few months.

a) promoting

b) encouraging

c) competing

d) supporting

12. Their products are only available through selected …………..

a) outlooks

b) outlets

c) outlines


14. The advertising company have come up with a catchy new ……………. for the car.


b) saying

c) image


15. This particular ………….. of ice cream is supposed to contain very little fat.


b) brand

c) label

d) product

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 1562 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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