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Use one of the words suggested to complete a sentence. One word is extra, you do not need to use it

1 – to do 2 - do 3 - to make 4 - make 5 - done 6 - made

1. You look nice in this photo. Had you had your hair …?

2. Drink this. It’ll … you good.

3. Shall we … an experiment and find out what happens?

4. You are … your homework here.

5. We cannot … without money, can we?

24. Complete with the correct article:

1 – a 2 - an 3 - the 4 – “0” /zero article/

1. There were quite … number of readers in the library.

2. … number of books missing from the library is seven.

3. Is this book all right to give to … young girl?

4. Theclass is having a competition for … unusual short story.

5. The prize will be £20 in … book tokens.

Use one of the words suggested to complete each sentence.

1. Disease reduced the farmer’s … from 90 to 65 cows.

1. flock 2. herd 3. group 4. pack

2. During the picnic we were suddenly attacked by a … of wasps.

1. colony 2. flock 3. nest 4. swarm

3. At his uncle’s farm, Johnny saw … of sheep.

1. a company 2. a horde 3. a team 4. a flock

4. My mother showed me … of neatly bound letters my father had written to her during their courtship.

1. a packet 2. a heap 3. a pile 4. a stack

5. Everybody admired Mrs. Ramsay’s … of pearls.

1. chain 2. bunch 3. bundle 4. string

26. Complete each sentence with 1 – as; 2 – like

1. Cheese is used … bait in mousetraps.

2. Don’t treat me … a child.

3. I had the same trouble … you.

4. Many students acted … guides and interpreters during the Olympic Games.

5. Politicians are … nappies. Both should be changed regularly and for the same reason.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 391 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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