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Read the text and do the tasks that follow it

1. The embezzler was sent to prison 2. Kippers were served at breakfast 3. Lunch is eaten 4. The meeting has been scheduled 5. The woman was hospitalized a) at about one o’clock. b) for next Friday. c) at the eleventh hour. d) for three years. e) for a change. f) for the time being.





Read the text and do the tasks that follow it.


  In their efforts to write like Shakespeare, high school students sometimes produce a style of writing, which is so artificial, flowery and cumbersome that it is ineffective. Such a style is the result of the mistaken notion that big words, unusual words and figures of speech, no matter how commonplace, are literary. Unlike mistakes, made through carelessness or laziness, a mistake of this kind is made through trying too hard to sound like a great writer. The resulting style is said to be “overwritten”. It is also sometimes referred to as “fine writing”. During the Second World War Representative Maury Maverick, of Texas, became impatient with the overwritten style of some government writing and branded it with the descriptive term “gobbledygook”. Here is an example of the gobbledygook that troubled Mr. Maverick: “Illumination is required to be extinguished upon vacating these premises”. You can see how much more effective would be, “Turn out the lights when you leave.”

Choose the correct ending

1. In America, if you go to high school, you attend …

1. university 2. college 3. school

2. An artificial style of writing means …

1. artistic 2. not natural 3. unreal

3. Overwritten style is produced through …

1. carelessness and laziness 2. the wish to imitate great writers 3. gobbledygook

4. In America, a Representative is …

1. a Congressman 2. an MP 3. a member of the Representative Party

5. “Gobbledygook” may be said to refer to…

1. big words 2. commonplace figures of speech 3. incomprehensive and pompous writing

2. Сравните следующие пары слов. Цифрой 1 обозначьте пары, в которых второе слово нельзя употребить вместо первого в данном контексте, цифрой 2 обозначьте те пары, в которых такая замена возможна.

  Line 1 …efforts… - attempts
  Line 2 … cumbersome… - heavy
  Line 3 … notion… - opinion
  Line 4 … literary… - literate
  Line 9 … impatient… - ill

3. В тексте упражнения 1 встречаются слова:

1) cumber some,

2) in effective,

3) common place,

4) care lessness,

5) over written

Образуйте новые слова по аналогии с указанными словами из текста. Укажите номер слова, выделенный элемент которого был использован для образования нового слова. Используйте каждый элемент только один раз.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 681 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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