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Use five words out of ten given below to complete these sentences

1. A long speech or poem spoken by one person is ___.

2. A story of real events over a period of time in the order in which they happened is ___.

3. A short well-known song or poem for young children is ___.

4. A word or line, which ends with the same sounds as another as in «parsley» and «ghastly», is ___.

5. A short story that is often sung is ___ poem.

1. a chronicle 3. verse 5. dialogue 7. prose 9. a nursery rhyme
2. a rhyme 4. a poet 6. a lyric 8. an epic 10. a monologue

Explain the meaning of these idioms

1. Congratulations! Your book is a great success! You have hit the bull’s-eye choosing such an urgent problem as the main idea of the book.

1. be extremely modern 3. ignore public opinion
2. great imagination 4. do exactly the right thing

2. Modern scientific methods are a closed book to me.

1. something to be studied 3. something that is impossible to understand
2. something to be finished 4. something I know very well

3. This girl isn’t anything to write home about.

1. My people shouldn’t know about her.

2. She’s not at all special.

3. I’d better stop meeting her.

4. She’s the girl of my dreams.

4. I’m out of my element when people start talking about poetry.

1. It’s my hobby 3. I feel awkward
2. I don’t care for poetry 4. I’m angry

5. They decided to put on G. B. Shaw’s “Pygmalion” on the spur of the moment.

1. some time later 3. as a surprise
2. on a sudden impulse 4. because they were impressed

Выберите правильный вариант употребления выделенного существительного во множественном числе в контексте указанной ситуации.

1. A dictionary tells us the meanings of words.

(1 Dictionaries/2 Some dictionaries) tell us the meanings of words.

2. Is there a good dictionary in the library?

Are there (1 good dictionaries/2 any good dictionaries) in the library?

3. Have you seen the book I bought last week?

Have you seen (1 books/2 the books) I bought last week?

4. An elephant is a large animal.

(1 Some elephants/ 2 Elephants) are large animals.

5. Mummy! There’s an elephant in our garden!

Mummy! There’re (1 some elephants/2 elephants) in our garden!

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 483 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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