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1. Buoyancy (be) one of the primary forces involved in aquatic therapy. 2. All objects, on land or in the water, (be subjected) to the downward pull of the earth's gravity. 3. In the water, however, this force (be counteracted) to some degree by the upward buoyant force. 4. According to the Archimedes' Principle, any object submerged or floating in water (be buoyed) upward by a counterforce that (help) support the submerged or partially submerged object against the downward pull of gravity. 5. In other words, the buoyant force (assist) motion toward the water's surface and (resist) motion away from the surface. 6. Because of this buoyant force, upon entering the water an apparent loss of weight (be experienced). 7. The weight loss experienced (be) nearly equal to the weight of the liquid that (be) displaced when the object enters the water.

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3.6. Put questions to the words and phrases in italic.

1. A 100-pound individual, when almost completely submerged, displaces a volume of water that weighs nearly 95 pounds and therefore feels as though they weigh less than 5 pounds. 2. This sensation occurs because when partially submerged, the individual only bears the weight of what is above the water. 3. With immersion to the level of the seventh cervical vertebra, both males and females only bear approximately 8% of their total body weight (TBW). 4. The percentages increase to 28% TBW for females and 35% TBW for males at the xiphisternal level and 47% TBW for females and 54% TBW for males at the anterosuperior iliac spine (ASIS) level. 5. The percentages differ for males and females because of the differences in centers of gravity. 6. Males carry a higher percentage of their weight in the upper body, while females carry a higher percentage of their weight in the lower body. 7. The center of gravity on land corresponds with a center of buoyancy in the water.

Wet vest in deep water   Milk jugs in water for flotation

3.7. Complete sentences with words from a box.

  slightly less; the specific gravity; several; differs; buoyancy; will float; object; of all body parts; horizontally; air; some treatments  

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 380 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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