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Specific Gravity

1. Because the weight of each body part is not a constant, the buoyancy of each part …. 2. Buoyant val­ues can be determined by … factors. 3. The bone to muscle weight, the amount and distribution of fat, and the depth and expansion of the chest all play a role in …. 4. Together, these factors determine … … … of the individual body part. 5. On average, humans have a specific gravity … … than that of water. 6. Any object with a specific gravity less than that of water … …. 7. A specific gravity greater than that of water will cause the … to sink. 8. However, the specific gravity … … … … is not uniform. 9. Therefore, even with a total body, specific gravity is less than the specific gravity of water, and the individual may not float … in the water. 10. Furthermore, the lungs, when filled with …, can decrease the specific gravity of the chest area, allowing the head and chest to float higher in the water than the heavier, denser extremities. 11. Therefore compensation with flotation devices at the extremities may be necessary for... ….

    Athlete and sports therapist using shallow water with floats.  

3.8. Read and translate a text below. Have it for a dictation.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 347 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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