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3 .7. Read and translate a text below. Have it for a dictation.


Relaxation involves the concerted effort to reduce muscle tension. The functional progression can teach an individual to recognize this tension and eventually how to control or remove it by consciously relaxing the muscles after exercise. This functional progression aids in total body relaxation and relaxing the injured area and may help relieve muscle guarding that inhibits the joint’s full range of motion.

3.8. Complete the sentences with words from a box.

1. With injury, tissues will shorten or tighten in response to immobilization, which can inhibit proper function. 2. With a … …, the injured area is stressed within a controlled range. 3. This stress is sinificant enough to allow the tissue to elongate, thus returning to … …. 4. This improved mobility and flexibility is … to the athlete. 5. Strength and endurance do not mean much if the injured body part cannot move through … … … of motion. 6. Tissues also become stronger with consistent stresses, so … other than muscle can be improved with the functional progression.

Carioca. The athlete side steps onto the right foot, then steps across with the left foot in front of the right, then steps back onto the right foot, then the left foot steps across in back of the right, then back onto the right and so on.
  The athlete walks, jogs, or runs a figure 8 pattern around cones or markers           Z course. The athlete runs a zig-zag course to emphasize sharp cutting motions and quick controlled directional changes  


Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 335 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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