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Strength - primary rehabilitation program goals

- What is one of the primary rehabilitation program goals?

- One of the primary rehabilitation program goals of any sports therapist is to return muscular strength and endurance to preinjury levels.

- What is strength by definition?

- By definition, strength is the ability of a muscle to generate force against some resistance.

- Is it necessary to maintain any level of strength?

- Maintenance of at least a normal level of strength in a given muscle or muscle group is important for normal healthy living.

- What can muscle weakness lead to?

- Muscle weakness or imbalance can result in abnormal movement or gait and can impair normal functional movement.

- How does it influence posture?

- Muscle weakness also can produce poor posture

2.12. Open the brackets and use the verbs in a proper tense and voice.

1. The use of isometric exercises in injury rehabilitation or reconditioning (to practice) widely. 2. There (to be) a number of conditions or ailments resulting from trauma or overuse that (must, to treat) with strengthening exercises. 3. Unfortunately, these problems (may, to exacerbate) with full range-of-motion strengthening exercises. 4. It (may, to be) more desirable to make use of positional isometric exercises until the healing process has progressed to the point that full-range activities can be performed. 5. During rehabilitation, it (to recommend) often that a muscle be contracted isometrically for 10 seconds at a time at a frequency of 10 or more contractions per hour. 6. Isometric exercises (may, to offer) also significant benefit in a strengthening program. 6. There (to be) certain instances in which an isometric contraction can greatly enhance a particular movement. 7. For example, one of the exercises in power weight lifting (to be) a squat. 8. A squat is an exercise in which the weight (to support) on the shoulder in a standing position. 9. The knees then (to flex), and the weight (to lower) to a three-quarter squat position, from which the lifter (must, to stand) completely straight once again.

  Strengthening exercises  
Strengthening exercises using surgical tubing are widely used in sports injury rehabilitation  

2.12. Fill in the gaps with prepositions if necessary.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 389 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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