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Exercise 3. Make questions or negatives

Ann can’t speak French. / English (?) – Can she speak English?

Mary must wash her clothes. / do it now (-) – She mustn’t do it now.

1. Mike can’t swim. / ski (?)

2. John can play football. / tennis (-)

3. Marta must play the piano. / sing (-)

4. Robert may go to Italy. / go this week (-)

5. Ann must work on Saturday. / Sunday (?)

Exercise 4. Write three things that you can do, and three things that you can’t do.

1. I can ___. 2. I can’t ___.

Exercise 5. Make questions with can.

‘Little Mary is ten months old now.’‘ (walk) ‘Can she walk?’

‘John is starting the violin.’ (what/play) ‘What can he play?’

1. ‘My brother wants to work in a restaurant.’ (cook)

2. ‘ My daughter’s going to Spain.’ (speak Spanish)

3. ‘Bill and Lisa want to buy a house.’ (how much/pay)

4. ‘Can I help in any way?’ (drive a bus)

5. ‘Some colours look bad on me.’ (wear red)

7. ‘I want to learn the piano.’ (read music)

8. ‘My brother is looking for a job.’ (what /do)

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences with can, can’t, could, may, and may not .

1. You _____ borrow my car. (giving permission; informal)

2. You _____ borrow my car. (refusing permission, informal)

3. _____ I use your phone? (polite; asking for permission)

4. You _____ use the phone, (formal; giving permission)

5. _____ I speak to Mr Jones, please? (formal; asking permission)

6. I'm afraid you _____ see the patient, (informal; refusing permission)

7. Children _____ be left unaccompanied, (formal; refusing permission - written notice)

Exercise 7. Make sentences offering to:

carry somebody’s bag - Shall I carry your bag?

1. post somebody’s letters

2. do somebody’s shopping

3. make somebody’s bed

4. read to somebody

5. drive somebody to the station

6. make somebody a cup of tea

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 880 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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