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Task 9. Read the dialogues in pairs. Take turns to be a waiter and a customer then act out the dialogues


Waiter: Are you ready to order, sir?
Customer: Yes. I'd like a steak, please.
Waiter: Certainly. How would you like your steak cooked?
Customer: Medium rare, please. And can I have it with rice instead of French fries?
Waiter: Yes, of course. Would you like a salad or vegetables with that?
Customer: Yes, a mixed salad would be nice.


Waiter: Are you ready to order, madam?
Customer: Yes. I'll have the grilled sardines, please.
Waiter: Grilled sardines, good. And as a main course?
Customer: I don't know. Well, I can't decide…
Waiter: May I recommend the pan-fried trout? It's one of the chef's specialities.
Customer: Oh, yes. All right. But could I have the new potatoes instead of tagliatelle?
Waiter: Certainly, madam. Would you like the vegetables or a side salad?
Customer: Oh, I'll have the salad. And could I have …


Waiter: Are you ready to order?
Customer: Oh, sorry, yes, yes, of course. I'll start with the oysters.
Waiter: Oysters. Right. And to follow, sir?
Customer: I'll have today's special: the vegetable casserole. Can I have it with salad, please?
Waitress: Tomato, spinach and eggplant casserole, fine.


Waiter: Are you ready to order, sir?
Customer: Yes, I think so. Oh, but first, can you tell me what a Waldorf salad is?
Waiter: Yes, it's a salad of apples, celery and walnuts with a creamy dressing.
Customer: Oh, right, well, I'll have that first, then the veal schnitzel. Oh, what are the vegetables of the day?
Waiter: Broccoli, carrots and baby sweetcorn.
Customer: Fine, I'll have them. Oh, is it possible to have French fries instead of new potatoes with the veal?
Waiter: Yes, certainly.
Customer: Good.
Waiter: So, that's one Waldorf salad followed by veal schnitzel with French fries and vegetables of the day. And what would you like to drink?
Customer: Mm...I think...

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 829 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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