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Sunday Roast

A traditional roast dinner otherwise known as a Sunday roast, as it is commonly eaten in the UK on a Sunday, is one of the highlights of British cuisine. It is called a traditional meal because it is known to have been prepared in this way for hundreds of years in Britain, and it is a way of gathering family and friends together on a weekend, to congregate around the centrepiece of a roast. Carving the meat is felt to be the most important and enjoyable part of the meal, once the meat is brought from the oven and placed on the table. The meal will usually consist of a type of meat, usually beef or pork or chicken, with accompanying roasted potatoes and other vegetables, affectionately known as the trimmings. The extra vegetables might include cabbage, carrots, and a green vegetable, such as broccoli or sprouts, if in season.

Words and expressions

bean - фасоль, боб

cereal - блюдо из круп, злаков в виде хлопьев

grains - зерно; хлебные злаки

wheat - пшеница

oats - овес

slice - ломтик, ломоть

porridge - (овсяная) каша

adult - взрослый

to relax – отдыхать

to congregate – собираться

centrepiece - предмет, который ставят в центр

to carve - резать, разрезать

trimming - гарнир; приправа

sprouts= brussels sprouts - брюссельская капуста

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 571 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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