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Exercise 1. Put the words in the sentences into the correct order

1.study / faculty / at / of / I / the / economics

2. to / the / students / the / lecture / is / delivering / The / professor

3. to / I / went / the / last / Sunday / library

4. a / computer / bought / My / new / brother /week /last

5. at / seaside / do / They / not / their / spend / summer / the

Exercise 2. Add the correct tag to the questions below.

1. You were at the meeting, ___?

2. You'd graduated from the institute by that time, ___?

3. He’s working on his report just now, ___?

4. He’s got a promotion this month, ___?

5. You didn’t like the job in the office, ___?

6. You haven’t met them before, ___?

7. You've been trying to get another job,___?

8. You paid for the bill last time, ___?

9. The goods were delivered yesterday, ___?

Exercise 3. Make subject questions to ask about the missing information.

1. You and a friend are watching a good film on TV when the phone rings, and you miss the end. What do you ask your friend when you come back into the room?

What was in the end?

2. You hear a crash. You go into the living room and find your two children near a smashed vase. What do you ask them?

Who ___?

3. You want to know how many people in your class come to school by car. What do you ask the class?

Who ___?

4. All your friends are talking about something that happened at a party last night. You don't know anything about it. What do you ask?

What ___?

5. You are with a lot of children when you get to an ice cream shop. They can have either an ice-cream or a cake. What do you ask them?

Who ___?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-29; Прочитано: 876 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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