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Exercise 48. Restore the parts of the text where the following words and word combinations are used

The appearance and the history of development of London

Primitive settlement, to build a city wall, the British colony, development, main artery, passenger traffic, to evolve, to penetrate, the Thames, wide and dirty, a symbol of spaciousness, the heritage of architecture, to consist of, to arrest attention, breathtaking grandeur, unnecessary demolition, to provide focus, for leisure, fun, to remain

The churches of London

An exception, outstanding, a successor, the Great Fire, cathedral, priory, to bury, to crown, prominent, to dominate.

The parks of London

Unbuilt land, to dedicate, essential, ‘lungs’, to allow access, by means of the gift, to attach to, to remain property, the Metropolitan Board of Works

The West End

To have fun, to provide focus, leisure, marketing, distribution, essentials, a crucial function, to regard as, in origin and appearance, ‘flagship’, to explore, to experience, to be charged for, subsidized, permanent, to be referred to, an intended insult.

Exercise 49. Using the information you got from the texts in the unit, answer the following questions. Look for more information in additional sources, if necessary:

1. When was the first London built? Why was this place chosen?

2. How did the city evolve? Does it have a definite structure?

3. What parts of London do you know?

4. What is the ‘square mile’? Where is it situated? Why is it called so?

5. What part of London provides focus for leisure? What are the most famous theatres? Prepare to speak about one of them?

6. What happened to the Old St Paul’s Cathedral? Who rebuilt it and when? What is the Whispering Gallery? What is it famous for?

7. What is remarkable about Westminster Abbey?

8. What other remarkable buildings are situated in Westminster?

9. What is situated in the East End?

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 592 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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