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Speak in detail about an object of art exhibited. Use the following link to watch a Virtual Tour in London


Exercise 42. You work in a touristic agency. Suggest the trip, providing all the details- hotels, sightseeing, travelling in the suburbs, to the following groups of people:


Mary and John are on their honeymoon in London and are about to stay in the city for a week.

Peter is on a business trip in London. He is to stay only for three days.

Lily and Margaret are in London to shop. They are to stay in the city only for the weekend.

Debbie, Martin and their son have come to London for the first time. They want to get acquainted with the city in five days.

Helen and Susan came to London to study Art.

Judith came to London to visit Globe Theatre. Also she would like to learn more about the city itself. She is to stay for four days.

Mark and Susan came to London to relax and to entertain. They are to stay in the city for five days including the weekend.

Дата публикования: 2014-10-25; Прочитано: 577 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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