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Exercise 33. Complete the gaps using the words and word combinations. Make sure that you use the correct grammatical form. 3. St Petersburg is the center of the north-west r____________________ of Russia

Part A

1. I o_________________ Jim £5,000 for his car.

2. I am at h____________________ already. Will you call on me to bring those documents?

3. St Petersburg is the center of the north-west r____________________ of Russia.

4. I do think you should have o_________________________ to help.

5. The book c________________________ the necessary information. It is very useful.

6. The tent c________________________ the campers from the rain.

7. Terrorism is the topic that d________________________ the meeting.

8. Where did the accident o_______________________?

9. Some field boundaries are medieval in o________________________.

10. C________________________ up the soup to keep it hot.

11. My mother knows how to keep the h________________________ perfectly well.

12. Who will s________________________ the bill?

13. I am sure that you can make yourself at h________________________.

14. He lives in the s________________________ of London.

15. It did not o________________________ to him to wonder what the architect had done after they had left him there alone.

16. We hope that our party will d________________________ the parliament.

17. The company had its o________________________ in France.

18. They believed that it was necessary to s________________________ the disputes by peaceful m________________________.

19. More must c________________________ his hatred.

20. They made their h________________________ at the village.

21. It o________________________ to him that he had made a mistake.

Part B

London is situated on the river Thames about 40 miles from its mouth. It was founded in the I century AD by Romans. They left London in the V century and the city was largely abandoned. In the XI century London became the capital of England. Medieval London (1)___________________________ as a trading center. It continued spreading beyond the city walls during the Tudor and Stuart periods. The Great Fire of 1666 destroyed three quarters of the city. Sir Christopher Wren rebuilt half of it and designed 51 churches. During the XIX century London spread rapidly into the (2)_____________________________. As a result of it new forms of transport, including the underground, (3)____________________________.

Today London is divided by the river into two unequal portions.. The term «London» was (4)________________________________ restricted to the City of London. But with the growth of the capital from the XI century onwards, the surrounding (5)____________________________ were absorbed one by one to make the vast metropolis which is London today.

The history of England can be said to (6)_________________________ from the Tower of London, that was founded in the XI century by William the Conqueror. It was a fortress controlling the approaches to the city by the river. It also served as a citadel, a palace, a prison, a mint and a menagerie. It was a place of bloody executions and terrible murders. It is (7)_____________________________ for its prisoners, most of which were executed there. Henry the eighth's wife, Thomas Cromvell, Sir Thomas More, Maria Stuart were beheaded in that prison. Princess Elisabeth was also a prisoner before she came to the throne in 1558. Today it is a mu­seum. There are Crown Jewels, the museum of Arms and Armory, Bloody Tower and Boshamp Tower. There are (8)_________________________________ legends connected with the Tower. Two ravens, the dwellers of the Tower, are said to guard the city. If they fly away the British Empire will collapse.

The two landmarks that are guides to the growth of London are St Paul's Cathedral in the City and the group of buildings near Westminster Bridge.

Round St Paul's Cathedral is the (9)________________________________ London, the oldest part, with a history of almost 2000 years. First it was built as a Saxon church in 606 AD dedicated to St. Paul. But then it was destroyed by fire several times. At last it was rebuilt by the Normans in Gothic style and was the third cathedral in Europe. That Cathedral was destroyed by the Great Fire in 1666. Sir Christopher Wren designed and constructed a new St Paul's in baroque style in 1709. During the Second World War St Paul's Cathedral was hit but it escaped the fires that destroyed many of the buildings around it. St Paul's Cathedral is a beautiful sight (10)_____________________________ other buildings at the top of Ludgate Hill.

Its Dome is the largest after St Peter's in Rome. The massive dome is topped by a gold cross which glitters when the sun strikes. Here are two outer galleries: the Stone and the Golden, from which you can have a breath-taking view. There are also a lot of monuments to famous people. There is a tomb to Christopher Wren. It took the architector 35 years to build the cathedral and when he was a very old man, he was carried there yearly to look at his masterpiece.

The National Gallery that is situated in Trafalgar Square, is a (11)____________________________ of European painting from the ХIII to the XIX century and (12)_____________________________ works of Rubens, El Greco, Goya, de Vinci. It is famous for its Portrait Gallery that (13)___________________________ a wonderful collection of portraits of men and women from the age of the Tudors to the present day.

The British Museum is the oldest of great national museums. Its collection (14)________________________________ the history of civilization from prehistoric times to the present day. Parliament founded the museum in 1753 after Sir Hans Sloane, a British physician and botanist, willed his collection to the nation.

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