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Read the sentences below and complete them with the suitable words from activity 29

1 During the three days of (a)______ the two leaders discussed a (b) ___ (c) ___ (d) ______ (e) ______. They (f) _____ (g) _____ on the situation in the Middle East, (h)_______ and ecology. They also discussed issues connected with economic, scientific and cultural (I) _______ and the (j)____ for its development. As a result of the (k) ___ the two sides reached an (l) ___ (m) ___ a new (n) ____ for closer economic links, and a number of agreements were signed.

2 The Congress (a) ____ (b) _____ the member states of the United Nations Organization to reduce spending on (c) ______. The delegates said that the money saved could be used for the reconstruction of economy and (d) ___ the (e) __ of (f) _____ of the people.

3 Mass media report that two senior ministers have (a) _______ in (b) ____ against the inability of the leadership to solve (c) _______ economic problems.

4 The speaker said that a (a) ____on banning the (b) ____ of (c) ____ (d) ____ would (e) ______ (f) ____ of international tension and decrease the danger of a nuclear disaster.

5 (a) _______ (b) ______ that thousands of people in the capital demonstrated in (c) _____ of the (d) _____ of the opposition parties for radical reforms to achieve the necessary transformation in economy.

6 The head of the (a) ___party called for (b) _____unity as an important condition for ensuring (c) ______ and (d) __________.

7 The President said that one of the main tasks (a) ____ (b) _____ was to create a nuclear-free world. It could be achieved by (c) _____ nuclear weapons from the arsenals of the nuclear powers. He also stressed that it was necessary to (d) _____ other countries (e) ____ building weapons of (f) ______ (g) ______. He called on all (h) ____ (i)________ to unite and act together.

8 Speaking (a) _____ a big (b) _____, the Head of the Opposition party said, “We (c) _________for the introduction of an economic system that will help to reduce inflation and promote a (d) ____ (e) _____ in economic development”.

9 The Prime Minister told a news conference that the main aim of the policy (a) _____ by the Government was to defend peace, democracy, and (b) ______ (c) _______.

10 It was stated at the session of Parliament that during the Labour (a) ____ in (b) _____ the standard of living in the country had risen.

11 A BBC correspondent says that an agreement on a general (a) ____ has been signed. (b) _____the agreement the troops are to be (c) ____ from the occupied territory and the prisoners are to be exchanged.

12 A (a) ____ for the Ministry of Defence declared that the nuclear (b) ___ program would be maintained as a minimum nuclear deterrent.

13 Since the establishment of (a) ____ (b) ______ the two states have co-operated in the spheres of trade, science and culture. Their relations have always been based on the principles of (c) _______ and mutual (d) ________.

14 After the (a) _______ military (b) ______ the government was (c) _____ to declare a (d) ______ of (e) _______ to ensure order and security.

15 (a) _______ (b) ______ polls showed that the most of the population of the country supported the new economic plan (c) ________ by the Government.

16 Later this week the two leaders are going to have a second round of talks (a) _____ at breaking the (b) ______ over the formation of a new government.

17 The independent deputies are against the decision because it would mean (a) __________ in the home (b) ________ of these countries.

18 The two counties reached an agreement on re-establishing diplomatic relations, which were (a) ______ (b) __________ ten years ago.

19 The plan proposed by the Committee was (a) ____after being strongly criticized by most of the delegated as being unrealistic.

20 Thousands of people taking part in the demonstration demanded that the (a) _____ ____ (b) _______ ____ should be cut.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 425 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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