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Find a word in the text

· which is another word for 'ghost'.

· which literally means 'a sad song' but can also mean words expressing sadness or disappointment.

· which is an adjective meaning 'very impressive in size, power or skill'.

· which means 'no longer needed'.

· which means 'a small group of people very close together'.

· which means 'the state of being present everywhere'.

· which is a verb meaning 'to defeat someone'.

· which means the same as 'reduced'.

Fill the gaps with the prepositions that normally follow these words.

1. suited ____________________

2. commitment _______________

3. represented ________________

4. hostility ___________________

5. relevant ___________________

6. susceptible _________________

7. pessimistic _________________

8. power _____________________

Look at this sentence from the text in 13.

What seemed significant...was not the identity of their icon, but its source.

The writer is saying that it was not the identity of their icon but its source that was significant. He uses the word order in the example to give his sentence a more emphatic style.

Rewrite these sentences in the same way. Then develop the ideas given below supporting with your own ideas.

1. Economic aid is most important.

What is most important is economic aid.

2. Cultural influences tend to be extremely powerful.

3. Guerrilla warfare defeated the Americans in Vietnam.

4. American values and corporatism will take over.

5. The availability of satellite TV is a key factor.

6. Economic failure brought the Soviet Union to its knees.

7. Cultural forces will prevail.

Дата публикования: 2015-02-18; Прочитано: 387 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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