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I. Rewrite and translate the following text. Get ready to comment on it. 1. Wolf Rock Lighthouse, situated on the rock, is a grey round granite tower, 41m

1. Wolf Rock Lighthouse, situated on the rock, is a grey round granite tower, 41m. high, with a black lantern above a gallery; it is equipped with a helicopter platform. Distress signals may be made from the lighthouse.

2. A spherical mooring buoy for the use of the lighthouse tender is moored 1 cable from the lighthouse.

3. Tinker, a shoal with a least depth of 3,7m., lies at the S end of a rocky and irregular bank, with depths of less than 10m., which extends 8 cables S from the E portion of the breakwater.

4. Directions. In low visibility give Saint Antony Head and the land N a berth of 3 mile, and do not approach Saint Mawes Bank within a depth of 14m, the edge of the bank being steep-to.

To enter by the W channel, proceed midway between Black Rock and Falmouth Point and when Black Rock Beacon comes in line with Saint Antony Head Lighthouse, bearing 111°, steer for Saint Mawes Castle until reaching the main fairway, then proceed as previously directed.

5. Anchorage. There is an anchorage area in Outer Harbour (4.61), indicated on the chart, lying parallel to and between 2 and 3 cables NW of Southern Breakwater. It is dredged to 8m but liable to change. The holding ground is fairly good, although cautions required in strong winds. The inner limit of the anchorage area is marked by buoys (special) with light-buoys (special) at the extremities of the limit. Vessels should not anchor outside the designated anchorage area.

II. Answer the questions:

1. What equipment should be prepared and checked before the ship’s arrival at the port? (BPG, B3)

2. What are light-vessels used for?

3. What information does the pilot’s card contain?

4. What information should the Master indicate when requesting pilot by radio?

5. Where are instructions for navigators published?

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Капитан подписывает обязательства о том, что облагаемые пошлиной судовые запасы будут использованы только для нужд команды.

2. Святящийся буй, показывающий белый проблесковый огонь каждые три секунды, установлен на западной оконечности отмели.

3. Согласно портовым правилам беспошлинные товары с таможенного склада должны быть опечатаны на судне.

4. Когда мы прибудем на внешний рейд порта Ливерпуль? - Если мы будем следовать со скоростью 16 узлов, то мы прибудем туда через 2 суток.

5. Обязательна ли лоцманская проводка в вашем порту? – Да, суда должны заранее сообщить предполагаемое время прибытия и их осадку.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 182 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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