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I. Rewrite and translate the following text. Get ready to comment on it

1. Pilotage is compulsory. Pilots usually board vessels 1 mile N of Berry Head, weather permitting; the pilot station and the pilot vessels are equipped with VHF RT. ETA should be received at least 12 hours in advance, and confirmed by VHF RT 2 hours in advance. For details see Admiralty List of Radio Signals, Volume 6.

Deep-sea pilots can also be embarked from Brixham by prior arrangements with one of the various agencies. These pilots embark 1Ѕ miles NE of Berry Head, confirmation of the ETA should be made 6 hours in advance, direct to Brixham, and VHF contact should be established when 30 miles off.

2. Leading lights are exhibited at Waterford (50° 45' N, 1° 32' W); the front light from a metal structure, 11 m. in height, situated on the outer edge of the river wall, and the rear light from a metal structure, 17m. in height, 2 cables NW of the front light.

These lights lead through the entrance to the river as far as Seymours Post Beacon, 6 1/2 cables within the entrance, where the channel turns to N.

3. Directions. When disused light-house on Saint Agnes is in line with Penny Ledges, on the E side of the fairway bearing 091°, open Castle Bryher W of Great Smith to give a wider berth to Pasco Rock also on the E side of the fairway; when past this rock steer to keep the E extremity of Annet bearing about 1820, astern and having passed W of Great Smith at a distance of about Ѕ cable steer for the anchorage in Saint Mary's Road, taking care to keep Cam Irish, on the W extremity of Annet, open NW of Great Smith, in order to clear Bristolman and adjacent shoal lying NW of Saint Agnes.

4. Meg Rocks, a group of rocky heads which dry up to 3m, lie 1,5 cables NNE of Combe Point; no vessel should attempt to pass inside them. West Rock, which is awash, lies 1/2 cable WSW of the Verticals from which it is separated by a deep channel.

Detached rocky patches, with a least depth of 6,4m., lie within 1 cable W of West Rock.

II. Answer the questions:

1. What can prevent a vessel from reaching the port in time?

2. What information is included in the “Cautions” on charts?

3. When and who to shall the Master report his ship's arrival in port?

4. What factors does the direction and the rate of tidal streams depend on?

5. What is it necessary to do to bring the ship to anchor?

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Пользоваться этим каналом рекомендуется только судам с малой осадкой.

2. На точность местонахождения буёв нельзя полагаться.

3. Присутствие лоцмана на борту судна не освобождает капитана либо вахтенного помощника капитана от их обязанностей и ответственности за безопасность судна.

4. По обычаям нашего порта, экипаж должен иметь пропуск для выхода на берег.

5. Ходовые огни – это 1-2 белых топовых огня, два бортовых огня, зелёный и красный, и белый гакабортный огонь.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 207 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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