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I. Rewrite and translate the following text. Get ready to comment on it. 1. A submarine pipeline, indicated on the chart, crosses the river close N of Itchen Bridge, and is marked by two light-beacons on the W side of the river

1. A submarine pipeline, indicated on the chart, crosses the river close N of Itchen Bridge, and is marked by two light-beacons on the W side of the river. The beacons are painted black and surmounted by yellow topmarks with red borders; the front topmark is triangular in shape and the rear topmark is diamond-shaped.

2. New Grounds, comprise the S portion of irregular ground extending 8 cables S from Drakes Island (described later) which contains rocky patches and numerous boulders with depths of between 5 m and 7 m over them, and depths in general of less than 10m; they are marked near their S edge by New Ground Light-buoy.

3. Pilotage is compulsory. Vessels requiring a pilot should show the usual signals. Pilots board ships from the pilot vessel one mile off the harbour entrance; the pilot vessel which is equipped with RT, and has a blue hull and orange superstructure with PILOTS on it in black, is only on station when ships are expected. Ships should send their ETA 24 hours in advance with amendments before arrival. Information should be passed via the pilotage radio station when within 30 miles.

4. Two leading beacons are situated at the NW end of the channel, the front beacon (yellow triangular topmark) and the rear beacon (yellow diamond shaped topmark) in line bear 298° and lead in the middle of the channel.

Leading lights for the approach to the port are exhibited near Benvenue cliff, about one mile westward of the head of Eastern Extension mole; the front light from an orange coloured triangular beacon, 14 feet (4m3) in height, and the rear light from a similar beacon, about 1 ¾ cables westward of the front light-beacon. A light is exhibited from a dolphin which stands about 150 feet (4 m7) westward of the head of Eastern Extension mole.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the ship's headway used for?

2. What is the duty of the medical officer of the port aboard the ship?

3. What is the difference between a tide and a tidal stream?

4. What are the duties of the OOW when the ship is at anchor?

5. From what sources can a navigator get information about tides and tidal streams?

III. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English:

1. Лоцманская проводка не обязательна, но настоятельно рекомендуется для судов, не знающих местных условий.

2. Обязательно ли брать буксир в этом порту? – Желательно, из-за сильных течений в гавани.

3. Таможенный инспектор составил акт таможенного осмотра, и судну было выдано разрешение на вход.

4. Сколько копий этих документов Вам нужно? – Мне нужно по две копии каждого документа.

5. Каков характер дна на этой стоянке? – Дно довольно ровное с хорошо держащим грунтом.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 272 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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