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I. Rewrite and translate the following text. Get ready to comment on it. 1 Anchorage. Saint Aubin Bay affords good shelter from offshore winds and there is sufficient room for several vessels to lie at single anchor

1 Anchorage. Saint Aubin Bay affords good shelter from offshore winds and there is sufficient room for several vessels to lie at single anchor. The best berths lie to the NW and N of Diamond Rock in depths of about 5m., where vessels may ride at S gales in safety being out of the strength of the tidal stream and where the sea and swell are broken by the outlying reefs.

Caution.Vessels anchoring in the approach to Saint Holier should do so clear of the submarine cables shown on the chart.

2. Directions. To enter by the E channel, from a position approximately 11 miles S of Saint Antony Head, steer towards Black Rock Beacon and bring the E extremity of Saint Mawes Castle to bear 004° which leads into the entrance in a least depth of 13.4m. When abreast Black Rock steer for the single large elm tree on Penarrow Point bearing 334° keeping the small white pillar on the foreshore at that point just open E of it.

3.Pilotage for Falmouth is compulsory with certain exceptions. Vessels should send their ETA at least 12 hours in advance, with amendments, if necessary, up to 2 hours before arrival, addressed to "PILOT, FALMOUTH". Weather permitting pilots board vessels in the vicinity of No.2 Light-buoy; the pilot vessel is only on station when a ship is expected. It has a black hull and an orange wheelhouse. The pilot office and pilot vessel maintain constant watch on VHF RT.

4. Tidal Streams. The Channel Islands lie mainly across the direction of the strongest streams and both direction and rate are affected by their presence.

The streams are generally rotary in an anti-clockwise direction, the E-going

stream being of shorter duration and greater strength than the W-going

stream; this is particularly noticeable in the S part of the area.

II. Answer the following questions:

1. What kind of anchorage is considered to be safe?

2. What goods are prohibited? Dutiable? Bonded?

3. What information is given in Pilot Books under the heading of "Directions"?

4. Is the pilot responsible for the ship’s safety in case of any accident? Who is?

5. In what cases is the ship put in quarantine?

III. Translate the following sentences into English:

1. Если погода будет хорошая, мы сможем зайти в порт без буксира.

2. Суда, входящие в гавань, должны следовать с большой осторожностью

и снизить скорость.

3. Где я могу взять лоцмана? – Вы можете взять лоцмана у буя № 2.

4. Следовать дальше без лоцмана опасно; глубины здесь неравномерные и

дно каменистое.

5. Так как на вашем судне обнаружено инфекционное заболевание, то мы

вынуждены произвести дезинфекцию.

Дата публикования: 2015-03-26; Прочитано: 252 | Нарушение авторского права страницы | Мы поможем в написании вашей работы!

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